BLÁTHÚ mentoring & support services
Pedagogical Quality Assurance through BLÁTHÚ Mentoring
BLÁTHÚ Mentoring Service offers pedagogical support to our member services through on-site Mentoring Visits.
An experienced and qualified mentor will spend one or two days in your service. Through respectful guidance and observation, together you will reflect on aspects of the pedagogy of relevance to your service and matters of concern for you, the teachers.
At the end of the visit, an evaluation report from the mentor will be offered to the service for the attention of the teachers and the committee. Also your evaluation of the process will be requested and much appreciated.
Please plan, and book your annual visit from Ulrike Farnleitner, our NDO and Mentor, by emailing; [email protected]
For information on costs for all mentoring, advisory visits and coaching, please click here.
BLÁTHÚ Mentoring Service offers pedagogical support to our member services through on-site Mentoring Visits.
An experienced and qualified mentor will spend one or two days in your service. Through respectful guidance and observation, together you will reflect on aspects of the pedagogy of relevance to your service and matters of concern for you, the teachers.
At the end of the visit, an evaluation report from the mentor will be offered to the service for the attention of the teachers and the committee. Also your evaluation of the process will be requested and much appreciated.
- Reflect on your expectations.
- If you have questions/concerns, tell them to the mentor prior to visit.
- Allow ample time for your staff team to reflect with the mentor after having contact time with the children.
- While the opportunity avails itself, it is worthwhile for your service to arrange a parent/public evening talk or workshop with Ulrike as guest speaker/facilitator. (A small income generated from the evening’s event will help your service to cover the cost of the overall visit).
- Or alternatively Ulrike, in her capacity as mentor, could attend a committee meeting.
Please plan, and book your annual visit from Ulrike Farnleitner, our NDO and Mentor, by emailing; [email protected]
For information on costs for all mentoring, advisory visits and coaching, please click here.
If you would like to avail of an advisor other than our in-house mentor, we will arrange an independent mentor to visit. The independent mentors’ cost is not subsidised by BLÁTHÚ, so the fee will be higher. To discuss, please contact Ruth SIOLTA MENTORING
Due to the work commitment required when engaging with the SIOLTA Quality Assurance Programme, the Síolta mentoring is priced as a package. When your team is ready to participate formally in the Síolta Quality Assurance Process, an agreement will be drawn up between yourself and Ulrike Farnleitner, Síolta mentor. This agreement will include a schedule of visits, approximately 4, plus a realistic time-frame for completion of components. We estimate a time frame of 9-12 months, during which phone and email support will be available. BLÁTHÚ will try to keep the costs as low as is possible. Travel is the main expense for us, so the more a team can achieve on their own or within local peer groups/CPD the lower the cost can be kept. Your services engagement with the Siolta process is seen as a form of quality assurance, so a separate mentoring visit is not required. COST: €60 per visit x 3 visits, paid upfront. |
COACHING by phone
BLÁTHÚ also offers coaching to its members and non-members as a service for teachers, managers, committee members and parents. Coaching works in the present moment and is a partnership between client and coach. The coach is a confidential listening partner, who keeps the client focused and challenges with questions in an agreed way. The desired outcome will be clarified, and it is the coach’s work to support the coachee on the path to success. Between scheduled coaching sessions, the client may be asked to complete specific actions that support the achievement of their goals and aspirations. It is recommended to keep a reflective journal. A coaching session lasts around 50mins, and usually between 4 and 8 sessions are required. If the desired goal is achieved in a shorter time, there is no need to continue with coaching. However, there will always be a first session, a time together, where the coaching process will be explained in detail, and a last coaching session, where one looks at the past process and achievements. |