1. What is Steiner Waldorf education?
2. What is unique about Steiner Waldorf education? How is it different?
3. What is the curriculum at a Steiner Waldorf school like?
4. How did Steiner Waldorf education get started?
5. How many Steiner Waldorf schools are there?
6. What is the philosophy behind Steiner Waldorf education?
7. Why should I send my child to a Steiner Waldorf school?
8. Who was Rudolf Steiner?
9. How is reading taught in a Waldorf school?
10. Why is so much emphasis put on festivals and ceremonies?
11. Why do Steiner Waldorf Schools discourage TV watching?
12. What is the annual tuition fee of a Steiner Waldorf school?
13. What kind of training do Steiner Waldorf teachers have?
14. Why do Steiner Waldorf students stay with the same teacher for 8 years?
15. How are personality conflicts between students and teachers handled?
16. Are Steiner Waldorf schools religious?
17. How do Steiner Waldorf children fare when they transfer to "regular" schools?
18. What is Anthroposophy?
19. Where can one get more information on Anthroposophy on the Internet?
20. How does Steiner Waldorf deal with kids that don't get it academically?
21. How well do Steiner Waldorf graduates do on standard tests and in college?
22. What is Eurythmy?
23. Is Steiner Waldorf education relevant to Special Needs children?
2. What is unique about Steiner Waldorf education? How is it different?
3. What is the curriculum at a Steiner Waldorf school like?
4. How did Steiner Waldorf education get started?
5. How many Steiner Waldorf schools are there?
6. What is the philosophy behind Steiner Waldorf education?
7. Why should I send my child to a Steiner Waldorf school?
8. Who was Rudolf Steiner?
9. How is reading taught in a Waldorf school?
10. Why is so much emphasis put on festivals and ceremonies?
11. Why do Steiner Waldorf Schools discourage TV watching?
12. What is the annual tuition fee of a Steiner Waldorf school?
13. What kind of training do Steiner Waldorf teachers have?
14. Why do Steiner Waldorf students stay with the same teacher for 8 years?
15. How are personality conflicts between students and teachers handled?
16. Are Steiner Waldorf schools religious?
17. How do Steiner Waldorf children fare when they transfer to "regular" schools?
18. What is Anthroposophy?
19. Where can one get more information on Anthroposophy on the Internet?
20. How does Steiner Waldorf deal with kids that don't get it academically?
21. How well do Steiner Waldorf graduates do on standard tests and in college?
22. What is Eurythmy?
23. Is Steiner Waldorf education relevant to Special Needs children?